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-   -   JShop Server 2.3.0: Rolling Update Changes (Patch Level 4) (http://forums.jshopecommerce.com/showthread.php?t=7158)

JShopSupport 01-05-2012 07:29 AM

JShop Server 2.3.0: Rolling Update Changes (Patch Level 4)
The rolling update for the 2.3.0 release of JShop Server has been updated today with the following additional fixes for issues encountered on some sites:
  • Customers registering for an account on first page of multi-step checkout may not have been correctly sent back to checkout after account created.
  • Changes to image uploading in the admin system for valid image types in some browsers.
  • Change to stop some PCI compliance scanners raising a false positive result with some store configurations.
  • General -> Cache Settings typo corrected.
  • Barclays EPDQ supported card types was not being sent to the gateway correctly.
  • Added date header to SMTP email sending to resolve local server delivery issues that could occur.
  • mainimage field is now returned for cart products and is available in the cart loop.
  • New order total variables available for unformatted values, e.g. {order.totals.goods} can also be accessed as {order.totals.unformattedgoods} to get the value excluding any currency formatting.
  • New template variable {tsys.templateFile} available which returns the actual template being used, e.g. cart.html.
  • Bug in createSelect() function in formelements.php could cause an issue for developers creating custom admin pages.
  • Problem adding new product from 'Insert New Product Here' button on Section Structure could cause product editing page display issue.
  • Cardsave Hosted settings screen now provides up to 100 characters for the Pre-Shared key as default keys provided by the gateway can be longer than 56 characters.
  • Canonical URLs do not have the cart session added to them even for normal visitors to the site.
  • Logic changed for Paypal Hosted (Lite/Professional) response processing.
  • {order.products.priceinctax} added for receipt and paperwork printing.
  • Removed some redundant processing in cartOutputData.php.

A full list of all current changes in the rolling update can be found on the Release Notes page for 2.3.0 in your registered users area.

To apply the rolling update to your site please visit the 2.3.0 Downloads page in the registered users area and download the zip file. Unzip the files and upload them to your server replacing the versions of the files you currently have.

As the rolling update has additional fixes added to it we will make similar announcements to ensure you are aware of the changes available.

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